Frequently Asked Question

The Basics: How do I connect to my office PC?
Last Updated 4 years ago

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We use FortiClient VPN to connect to our College network from home.

If you are using a newer 'Baby Acer' configuration the VPN is configured within Windows 10, the VPN is connected via the System Tray where your internet connection is displayed. You do not need FortiClient

If you have not been supplied with a computer with which to work from home, your home computer may be used to connect to the College using your office IP address and your @murray username (firstname.surname). You need to open and run the FortiClient app with your password before you open the Remote Desktop to bring up your computer screen.


You then sign in with the same password to access your office PC. The only difference between your actual physical office PC and the Remote Desktop app is this bar at the top of your screen which you can use to minimise or restore down your Remote Desktop. You can also drag the remote desktop around your display using this bar. If you close this window it will close the connection to your office PC and you will have to log in again. 


Do not shut down your office PC in the Remote Desktop app when you finish work for the day as tomorrow morning you will not be able to access your office PC as it will be off! Simply close the Remote Desktop by using the X in the blue bar, and turn off the VPN connection by closing FortiClient.

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