Frequently Asked Question

How can I call/meet with people outside the University?
Last Updated 4 years ago

When you search for a contact to call in the top search bar in Teams, colleagues from Murray Edwards will appear straight away such as BEN.ACKERS as they are in our domain. If you want to contact someone with a address, it will give you the option to 'search externally' for the contact, and you will be able to connect with them.


If you want to call or meet with someone outside the University, you can do this by simply arranging a meeting through Calendar. When you 'add required attendees', any email address will work. Saving the meeting will send an email notification to the attendees, and there will be an option to 'Click here to join the meeting'


The attendee will then be given the option to download the Teams app or open it if they have it installed, however, the middle option will launch it in a browser with no need to download anything. This is useful for people working on managed devices. Your contact will then have to allow the browser to use the microphone and camera in order to conduct the meeting.

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