0. Student Services (68)
We welcome all enquiries from our students and will make our best efforts to help. Please check the FAQs to see if there's already a solution to your issue.
1. Wireless & Networks (10)
This is all about basic functionality. A good starting point for WiFi, wired internet connections (Ethernet) and hardware/software affecting connections.
2. Desktop Services (87)
Your desktop is your gateway to the College so it's very important that it's well-maintained, secure and functional.
Here you'll find some information about problems that have arisen in the past as well as more general office issues. -
3. Web-Based Services (13)
Like apps/programmes on your computer, but they don't live there, they live in the cloud and are usually accessed via browsers.
4. Departmental (10)
Requirements of and requirements from specific departments. Here you will find software advice for your department as well as some solutions to common issues
5. Security & Infrastructure (7)
The infrastructure is how our systems travel throughout the buildings and how they are used in different locations.