Frequently Asked Question

WiFi - UniOfCam
Last Updated 4 years ago

Opening your computer, start by opening your network connection options from the shortcut in your system tray (bottom right of your desktop), and select UniOfCam.

Windows 10
- Windows 10 -
Mac OS
- Mac OS -

In Mac OS you will usually have to enter your credentials within a Mac dialog box, use your Raven login to authenticate.

In Windows, if you're not redirected to Raven sign-in, you may need to open a browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, etc.) and attempt to access another website in order for the browser to ask you to log in.


You'll be presented with this, which will become a familiar sight to you rather quickly! Just use your @cam email and password to sign in. This combination is commonly referred to as your Raven credentials, with your CRSid forming the first letters and numbers.

You should now be connected to the UniOfCam network.

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